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Red Neon Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia rubrostriata) are known for their vibrant coloration and active behavior. Here’s a detailed care guide to help you maintain a healthy and thriving environment for these beautiful fish:

Tank Setup:

  1. Tank Size:

    • A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended. Rainbowfish are active swimmers and need ample space to move around.
  2. Substrate:

    • Use a substrate like gravel or sand. Rainbowfish are not particularly sensitive to substrate types, but a darker substrate can enhance their colors.
  3. Hiding Spots and Decorations:

    • Provide hiding spots and areas of interest using driftwood, rocks, and live or artificial plants. Rainbowfish enjoy having areas to explore and hide, but they are not as reliant on cover as some other species.
  4. Plants:

    • Live plants are beneficial and add to the aesthetic of the tank. Good choices include Java Fern, Amazon Sword, and Vallisneria. Plants also help with water quality and provide grazing surfaces.

Water Conditions:

  1. Temperature:

    • Maintain a temperature range of 75-79°F (24-26°C). They prefer stable temperatures, so avoid drastic fluctuations.
  2. pH Level:

    • Aim for a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. They are adaptable but do best within this range.
  3. Water Hardness:

    • A general hardness (GH) of 8-12 dGH is ideal. They are relatively tolerant of various hardness levels, but stability is key.
  4. Water Quality:

    • Regular water changes are important to maintain water quality. Perform 20-25% water changes weekly or bi-weekly. Use a good filtration system to keep the water clean and clear.
  5. Ammonia and Nitrites:

    • Both ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 ppm. High levels can be harmful to the fish.
  6. Nitrates:

    • Keep nitrate levels below 20-30 ppm. Regular water changes and a proper filtration system help manage nitrate levels.


  1. Food:

    • Feed a varied diet that includes high-quality flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms, daphnia, or brine shrimp. Rainbowfish are omnivorous and benefit from a balanced diet.
  2. Feeding Schedule:

    • Feed small amounts 1-2 times daily. Only give what they can consume in a few minutes to prevent water quality issues.
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