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The Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp (Caridina dennerli), known for its vibrant red color and striking white spots, is a sought-after species among shrimp enthusiasts. Native to the unique freshwater lakes of Sulawesi, Indonesia, these shrimp require specific conditions to thrive. Here’s a comprehensive guide to caring for Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp:

Tank Size and Setup

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for a small group of Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp. A larger tank, such as 20 gallons or more, is ideal for better stability in water parameters and to accommodate a growing colony.
  • Aquascape: Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp prefer a tank setup that mimics their natural habitat. Use a combination of rocks and caves to create hiding spots and areas for them to explore. Smooth lava rocks, driftwood, and ceramic caves can be used to replicate their environment.
  • Substrate: A dark, fine-grained substrate is ideal as it highlights their vibrant colors and mimics the natural lakebed. Sand or fine gravel can be used, with a preference for inert materials that do not alter water chemistry.
  • Plants: While plants are not native to their natural habitat, some aquarists successfully use hardy, low-light plants like Anubias, Java fern, or moss. However, these are optional and not necessary for their well-being. Floating plants can provide shaded areas and help with water quality.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp thrive in warmer water, with an ideal temperature range of 78-86°F (25-30°C). Using a heater is necessary to maintain stable temperatures.
  • pH: They prefer alkaline water, with a pH range of 7.8 to 8.2. Consistent pH levels are crucial for their health, as they are sensitive to fluctuations.
  • Hardness: These shrimp require hard water with a general hardness (GH) of 6-8 dGH and carbonate hardness (KH) of 4-6 dKH. The minerals in hard water are essential for their exoskeleton development.
  • Water Quality: Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp are very sensitive to poor water quality. Regular water changes of 10-20% weekly are essential to maintain optimal conditions. Use dechlorinated water, and ensure that it is aged and at the same temperature as the tank to avoid shock. A high-quality liquid rock salt additive or specialized shrimp mineral supplements can help maintain the necessary hardness and mineral content.

Filtration and Water Flow

  • Filtration: Use a sponge filter or a gentle hang-on-back filter that provides adequate biological filtration without creating strong currents. Sponge filters are preferred because they provide additional surface area for biofilm growth, which the shrimp can graze on.
  • Water Flow: Ensure the water flow is gentle. Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp do not thrive in tanks with high water movement. Baffle filter outputs or use decorations to reduce flow intensity.


  • Diet: In the wild, Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp feed on biofilm, algae, and microorganisms. In an aquarium, they can be fed high-quality shrimp pellets, algae wafers, and specially formulated Sulawesi shrimp food. Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables such as spinach or zucchini, as well as occasional treats like baby brine shrimp or powdered spirulina.
  • Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 2-3 times a week. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues, so remove any uneaten food within a few hours to prevent decay.
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